Cat[girl]urday: Steam Summer Sale 2024

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Due to my love of Nekomimis I have decided to post something catgirl related each week! It maybe cute. It maybe sexy. It may even be a bit disturbing…

Steam Summer Sale 2024 Banner with a Catgirl
Steam Summer Sale 2024 Banner with a Catgirl

The Steam Summer sale is back and so is the delivery catgirl from the Spring sale! This is further proof that Valve has embraced the way of the neko! As a self-described expert of both Nintendo and Valve, I can tell you this partnership makes perfect sense. Only catgirls have enough bandwidth to handle all of the content on Steam. No other species could deliver all of those bits and bytes! 

This catgirl still does not have a name but we can glean some details about her. Let’s look at what has not changed. She wears the same socks, boots, gloves, leg pouch, and backpacks. Her moped and cat companion is also present. I cannot tell if the hat is the same since she is wearing goggles now. For the most part, it looks like this catgirl has switched to her summer look. This is fitting considering she is by a beach. Hopefully, she will get a chance to enjoy the beach between deliveries!  

So what do you think?

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