Sometimes I discover interesting things on my quest for catgirl art. Sometimes it’s a new anime and other times it’s a new game. In many cases I have to use tags to find the source of an image butt in this case, it was a logo. That’s right, watermarks and logos work!
What else was I supposed to do when I saw this pretty catgirl maid with the “Butt Knight” logo in the corner? Who wouldn’t ask themselves “What is Butt Knight?”. It turns out that it is an adult game that plays like a classic bullet hell shooter. You play as Butt Knight and you’re on a quest to save fair maidens.
I have played through the demo and oh my! It is definitely an adult only game! Do not play of you are under 18! That said the cheeky humor of the demo has its charm. I was able to play it on my Steam Deck after mapping a few controls. There are three difficulty settings so even players new to bullet hell games should have an easy time getting high scores. The game will not be for everyone but if you are an adult who likes catgirls and butts give it a try!
Find Butt Knight on Steam here.
So what do you think?