Catgirl Week 2024

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Serika from Blue Archive celebrated her birthday last month Art by Haruru

On this day 6210 days ago the first Cat[girl]urday was posted. That is right. Cat[girl]urday has been around for 17 years! It all started as a feature on my IGN blog back when that was still something IGN supported. At that time, I had created an IGN account to keep track of Nintendo news and started a blog about gaming.  One user by the name of AlloyNES recommended fellow users start features to help encourage posting regularly. I started a few but only one withstood the test of time.  

Cat[girl]urday was started because I had just downloaded some catgirl photos from a forum using a batch downloader. I thought I could post one every Saturday and I was right. Over the years the feature grew, and I focused on highlighting not only catgirls, but also artists, and series. For me, it has become more than just a feature.  

After blogging about catgirls for more than 17 years it has become one of the most consistent parts of my life. Many things have come and gone but catgirls have always been there for me. It is because of that I have made the week of the anniversary Catgirl Week! Tomorrow will be Meme Monday. Enjoy some cake and come back tomorrow for more catgirls! 

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