I have not been to Grand Rapids Comic Con since 2015 and I have missed a lot! My absences were mainly due to the convention’s close proximity to Youmacon. Usually after Youmacon, I am busy editing not only photos but working on videos from Michigan Dansu. This leaves me burnt out for the rest of the year and ready for hibernation. I did not take notice of the spring events until I ran into @rachel26cos at Muskecon in March.
The event was dubbed the “Road Trip” considering it took place in Kalamazoo this year. I believe this is because the Deltaplex was not available. Although I originally only planned to go on Saturday I ended up returning on Sunday to do another photoshoot with @rachel26cos. The Kalamazoo County Expo Center made for a nice venue. Although I did not attend any panels the lineup was not bad. This included a Death Note cast reunion. You should have seen the smile on my face when L himself came on over the PA system to announce the impending start of their panel!
I had a lot of fun at the event. The staff was friendly and everything was well organized. I had no problems registering or picking up my pass. Even the staff checking our bags every time we re-entered the convention center were fun to deal with. If the smaller spring event is this fun and well-run then I must really be missing out on the main event in November! I strongly recommend checking out Grand Rapids Comic Con!
My Photos from the Event

Photos by Duece231