I found an anime that just recently aired called “Miss Kuroitsu from the Monster Development Department”. As you might have guessed from the title this anime features monster girls! To be more precise it is about the people behind making the monsters that Tokusatsu heroes fight. For example, Both Tōka Kuroitsu and Doctor Hajime Sadamaki are tasked with making monsters to fight the superhero Divine Swordsman Blader. Some of the monsters they make are quite extraordinary…
One such extraordinary monster is Wolf Bete. This wolf monster is fast, strong, and has a kind heart. Throughout the show, Wolf can be seen supporting other monsters like a big brother. That said he was originally designed with a male body but an eleven-hour change from Supreme Leader Akashic asked to make him “cuter”. There was no time to change his personality so he now has the body of a wolf girl. It is also worth noting that Wolf has the mentality of a 13-year-old… This leads to lots of awkward moments!

One such moment comes when Wolf meets Elbucky who is a rival monster made by Black Lore. Despite being from a rival organization Elbucky takes a liking to Wolf… and starts to flirt with him. A beautiful catgirl can be a lot to handle, especially for a 13-year-old wolf boy in a wolf girl’s body. I mean Wolf might be older he just has the mentality of a 13-year-old. It’s kind of complicated. Why not watch the series and find out? It’s only 13 episodes and is a real sleeper hit.
So what do you think?