Normally I would be posting a catgirl related photo taken an ACEN yesterday. Sadly do to COVID-19 ACEN has gone all digital and there will be no new catgirl cosplay photos. As a result, I would like to take this opportunity to post another photo from last year. I rarely get to use photos from Saturday and lucky for me I have another one to share. This one is of Fate/Grand Order Cosplayers in hadaka apron!
My knowledge of Grand Order is not the best. I have avoided Grand Order in fear that if I fall too far down the Fate series hole I would never climb out. I could recognize Shuten Douji and Tamamo no Mae but drew a blank on the third character. Upon closer inspection of the black bow and braids, the culprit must be Astolfo! I have avoided the game but maybe I’ll watch the anime… Maybe…
So what do you think?