The time has finally come and the greatest anime of all time is finally airing. Episode one of Nekopara is out. This is clearly the best timeline! Joking aside I was honestly blown away by Nekopara. A long time ago a commenter pointed out one artist’s decision to draw a tail hole on a catgirl’s pants. This showed they did more than just add catgirls and a tail to a girl. Nekopara takes this to the next level by really fleshing out realistic cat-human hybrids.
In the world of Nekopara catgirls are supposed to be mentally closer to cats than humans. This causes them to take on many cat-like behaviors. The anime does a great job of blurring the lines and making you question how human the catgirls are. They truly feel like their own species and that is a real accomplishment. Nekopara might truly be the cat paradise we have been waiting for! Let’s hope the entire anime keeps this up.
So what do you think?