Due to my love of Nekomimis I have decided to post something catgirl related each week! It maybe cute. It maybe sexy. It may even be a bit disturbing…

Catgirl gamers rejoice! In less than a week, Nekopara Vol. 3 is being released on the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4! The game has been out on PC for a while now (and is uncensored) but it is always nice to see the catgirls of La Soleil on more platforms. Sayori’s dream is coming true and as a catgirl fan, I love seeing the world’s greatest catgirl artist succeed. Nekopara has touched the hearts of many and is turning into quite the franchise. Sayori’s art has been turned into manga, games, an OVA, and there is also a TV series in the works. What could possibly be next? Maybe a movie? We can only dream…
So what do you think?