Due to my love of Nekomimis I have decided to post something catgirl related each week! It maybe cute. It maybe sexy. It may even be a bit disturbing…

In case you missed the news How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord is getting a new season next month! This means everyone’s favorite Pantherian will finally be back! There will also be that elf, the other guy, and some new characters… The first season was a lot of fun. It had a good mixture of plot and fanservice. It also had a lot of Rem who is a pretty perfect catgirl! I’m sure season two will also be fun… and hopefully have a lot of Rem! To tell the truth I do miss Shera and Diablo too. Even though I only need Rem I am also looking forward to meeting Lumachina and Rose. I guess I came for the catgirl but stayed for the plot… and the Rem…
So what do you think?